Apricot! Apricot!
2024-07-22 18:55 Another meaningful day spent helping a San Leandro neighbor glean apricots and donate to a local shelter. Many apricots had ripened and dropped on the ground by the time we arrived. It feels good to s...
Cherry Plum Gleaning
2024-07-21 18:21 During the weekend, Food Bridge partnered with Forestr.org to have gleaned around 60 pounds of cherry plums in the Castro Valley neighborhood. We have donated most of the plums to a San Leandro shelte...
Making Dinner for Building Futures
2024-07-14 22:31 Thanks for my grandparents who helped making delicious pork buns for the women and children from Building Futures. We hope our food can create a bridge to share our care and love.
Weekend Plum Gleaning
2024-07-07 18:27 This weekend Food Bridge worked with Forestr.org to have gleaned about 110 pounds of plums at San Leandro neighborhood. Food Bridge also gleaned about 20 pounds of plums at Fremont neigborhood, and do...